Category Vajrayana

What is Tantra? A Clear and Practical Exploration

what is tantra

Tantra, meaning continuity, is a philosophical and meditative system designed to rapidly take the practitioners from basic longing, through seeing reality to full enlightenment. What is tantra in a deeper sense, however? Tantra is often misunderstood, reduced to mere stereotypes…

Buddhist Tantras

Buddhist Tantras

Buddhist tantras are the core texts undergirding the Tantric or Vajrayana practices, especially in Tibetan Dharma. I have posted a table of Buddhist tantras below. Also see: Buddhist Scriptures. Table of Major Buddhist Tantras Tradition Tantra Description Tibetan Buddhism Guhyasamaja…

Vajrayana vs Mahayana Buddhism

Vajrayana vs Mahayana Buddhism

Vajrayana vs Mahayana Buddhism: Vajrayana is typically regarded as a specialized and advanced form of Mahayana. It uses luminosity as path, rather than emptiness. Buddhism is an ancient tradition with a ton of depth, but for beginners, it can feel…

Sleep Yoga, yoga of Deep Sleep

Sleep Yoga

Sleep yoga uses the state of deep, dreamless sleep as a meditative object. The state, which is a vanishing of consciousness, can be used to rest in the luminous and empty reality of rigpa. Sleep yoga is distinct from dream…

Dream Yoga

Dream Yoga

Dream yoga is a Tibetan Buddhist meditative practice of using the dream state to meditate on dharmic truths and deities. I have tried dream yoga and it’s pretty challenging. It’s hard to remember to be aware of your dreams, but…

Vajradhara, वज्रधार


Vajradhara means holder of the Vajra or indestructible reality. The vajra represents fully awakened mind. Vajradhara (Dorje Chang, Tib) is blue in color, wearing peaceful ornaments. He holds a vajra or dorje in his right hand and a bell in…

Yidam, the root of Siddhi (powers)

Yidam, root of siddhi

The yidam is a meditation deity in Tibetan Buddhism specifically conferring the esoteric siddhis or powers of meditation. Yidams can be male or female. They represent the deepest virtues and enlightened qualities of the native state, the essence of all…

Mahayoga (maha yoga)*


Mahayoga is the first of the ‘inner tantras’ in the 9 yana system. The yana focuses primarily on visualizing the deity as a means of accumulating merit and wisdom and of purifying obscurations to realization. I love Mahayoga. Some people…

Dzogchen – Great Perfection


Dzogchen means Great Completion or Great Perfection. Atiyoga (highest union) includes trekchö and thogal (see below). This supreme yoga aims to inseparably join the mindstream to the essential reality of purity and spontaneous presence. The abiding nature is called Rigpa…

Sadhana Practice


Sadhana means practice. In Buddhism and Hinduism, it denotes a deity or yidam practice. The point is to see oneself as fully enlightened without invoking ego. Ego donning the form of the deity is a significant danger in sadhana. Sadhana…

Karmamudra: the Yoga of Bliss

karmamudra, yoga of bliss

Karmamudrā, activity of sealing, unites sexual union with Tummo (chandali) the practice of inner heat. The practice is known for using desire as the path of enlightenment. The practitioner engages in desire to liberate desire. Karmamudrā was a core practice…

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

Padmasambhava or Padmakara, meaning Lotus-born, is the foremost master in Tibetan Buddhism. Guru Rinpoche, another title, is known for bringing the Vajrayana dharma to Tibet, subduing the negative forces, and hiding terma, dharma treasures, for future generations benefit. Quotes by…

Longchenpa, Clear Light of the Vast Expanse


Longchenpa was one of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism. In the 14th Century, he attained enlightenment as a wandering ascetic. He wrote numerous treatises, including the 7 Treasures. Meaning of the Name Longchenpa and Other Names, Titles Longchen Rabjam…

Palden Lamo

Palden Lamo

Palden Lamo is a wrathful feminine deity, a protector in the Vajrayana dharma. Riding a donkey, with 2 arms and eyes, she holds a combination of skull cup, lasso, jewel, and mirror. Palden Lamo 3 Little Known Facts Palden Lhamo…

Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden is a Sambhogakaya figure practiced as a protector by certain Gelug sects. Most sects treat him as a hostile deity, a demon. Dorje Shugden Central Entity: Description Properties Relationships Controversies: Additional Information: It is important to note that…

Ultimate Guide to Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

tibetan buddhist meditation , Outer Vajrayana
Tibetan Buddhist meditation is a broad-ranging system based on the 9 yana journey, distinguished by a strong focus on the Tantric yanas (vehicles). The core of these is increasingly direct meditation on the nature of mind, characterized as luminous empty awareness, often visualized in deity form. This is the most rapid path to enlightenment.