Category Buddhism

Buddhist Practices

Buddhist Practices

Buddhist practices cover a wide range. All of them focus on Wisdom and Compassion. I am posting this to explain a variety of Buddhist practices. Introduction Buddhist practices are the heart of the path to enlightenment, offering practical tools to…

Reincarnation in Buddhism

Reincarnation in Buddhism

Reincarnation in Buddhism is part of the Buddhist reincarnation cycle – the 12 links of interdependent existence called the nidanas. I find karma (a core aspect of reincarnation) to be one of the most difficult of Buddhist subjects. Reincarnation in…

Milarepa and Mount Kailash

Milarepa and Mount Kailash

Milarepa traveled to Mount Kailash for a spiritual combat against an enemy of the dharma. See Milarepa. Milarepa and Mount Kailash Mount Kailash, the sacred peak in the Himalayas, holds profound significance in various religious traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism,…



Milarepa, cotton-clad yogi, is the most famous saint in Tibet. Known for getting enlightened and extreme ascetism after committing a terrible murder, Mila is much-loved for his effort, wisdom, exertion, and songs of wisdom. For most of my Buddhist friends,…

Buddhist Names for Babies

Buddhist Names for males and females

This is a list of Buddhist names for a new baby. I used these Buddhist names for my kids. See this for the 1000 names of buddha Buddhist Names Male and Female Name Gender Meaning Dawa Unisex “Moon”; often used…

Wheel of Life Buddhism

wheel of life

The wheel of life is a graphic representation of the 6 realms of existence, according to the Budhha. Each level of the circle represents a layer within existence – Cognitive, emotional, realm, and karmic. Components of the Wheel of Life…

24 Buddhist Festivals

Buddhist Festivals

Here is a list of 24 Buddhist Festivals that happen on an annual basis. I got this list together – you should pick one near you and go. Maybe I’ll see you there. Major Buddhist festivals around the world This…

Buddhism Facts

Buddhism Facts

101 Buddhism facts. I put together a list of Buddhist facts. Enjoy! Buddhism Facts: 100 Here are 100 fascinating Buddhism facts: Keep reading for more Buddhism facts. 30 more Buddhism Facts Scroll down for more Buddhism facts. 30 more Buddhism…

Buddhism Types

Buddhism Types

I practice Tibetan Buddhism, a Vajrayana system. See Buddhism Symbols and Buddhism Beliefs. Buddhism Types: A Journey Through Traditions Buddhism is a profound spiritual tradition that has influenced countless lives across the globe. With its rich diversity of teachings and…

King Yama Buddhism

King Yama Japanese Lord of Death

King Yama Buddhism (and other cultures), is the Lord of Death and arbitrator of karmic actions when beings have left their lives behind. I asked an AI to give me a graphic for King Yama, Lord of Death and this…

Dependent Origination – Pratītyasamutpāda

Pratītyasamutpāda Dependent Origination

Dependent Origination or Pratītyasamutpāda is a doctrine of emptiness. All things are interconnected in the web of karma, which defines their character. I find dependent origination a fruitful, if difficult contemplation. I like to cycle between meditating and contemplating, studying…

Buddhist Philosophy

Buddhist Philosophy

The core Buddhist Philosophy is the cyclical, suffering nature of existence and the liberation from it, available to all beings. Emptiness is the core concept. I have a special relationship with Buddhist philosophy. I gravitate more towards the philosophy than…

Jataka Tales

Jataka Tales

The Jataka Tales are a compilation of hundreds of stories of life lessons. Many come from the past lives of the Buddha. I find some of these stories actually make me tear up. Monkey King for one. And Rooroo Deer.…

Stories from Buddhism

Stories from Buddhism

There are a number of Stories from Buddhism, illustrating compassion, wisdom, and the need for renunciation, among many other topics. I read these to my kids when they were little. They’re very good for children. See Jataka Tales for stories…

Buddhist Quotes on Love

Buddhist Quotes on Love

A short collection of Buddhist Quotes on Love I love these Buddhist Quotes on Love. Buddhist Quotes on Love Buddhism emphasizes compassion and understanding for all beings, which can be seen as a form of universal love. Here are some…

Buddhism Books and Buddhist Authors

Buddhism Books Buddhist Authors

A curated selection of 44 books including the top 10 Buddhism books and authors. I have included my favorite Buddhism Books. Drop yours in the comments! Buddhist Holy Books (ancient scriptures) Tripitika. Summary: Buddhism books Buddhism Books for Beginners List…

Buddhism in Japan

Buddhism in Japan

Buddhism in Japan Buddhism took root in Japan around the 5th century CE, blending seamlessly with the existing Shinto beliefs to create a unique and vibrant form of Buddhist practice. See Buddhism in China Buddhism in Japan: Summary Entity Description…

Zen Vs Tibetan buddhism

Zen vs Tibetan Buddhism

Zen vs Tibetan Buddhism: Tibetan dharma focuses on the Vajrayana and a rich set of skillful means. Zen uses direct meditation on Shikantaza, or the mind alone. I find the ultimate approach in both systems. Zen tends to create a…

Buddhist Flag

Buddhist Flag

The Buddhist flag was designed in 1885 in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The symbolism is agnostic to national identity and focuses on core Buddhist principles. I think the Buddhist flag is ugly. Or really, boring. It is uncentered and a bit…

Buddhism Meaning, Buddhism Definition

Buddhism Meaning

Buddhism meaning is contained in the dharma of the Buddha. Essentially it is a path of liberation from suffering. That extends to liberating all beings from suffering in the Mahayana Vehicle. I find the outer meanings of Buddhism (contained in…

Pali Canon

Pali Canon

The Pali Canon is the orally transmitted, later written, record of Buddha Shakyamuni‘s teachings. I’m more familiar with the Sanskrit terms, such as Dharma, rather than the Pali term Dhamma. I believe the difference is minor enough that most scholars…