Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism – What is Zen?

Zen Buddhism (Chan – contemplation, absorption) originate in China around 700AD as Chan, later spreading to Japan. The system incorporates a plain style of ‘self-illuminating’ meditation. It is said to be a Mahayana form with trace elements of Vajrayana. Zen tradition comes from the Chinese word Chánzōng 禪宗. Chan is simply meditation. It teaches the […]

Zen Philosophy

Zen Philosophy

Key points of Zen philosophy are the following:
Tatagathagharba and Emptiness
Nondual nature of Relative and Absolute
2 Types of transference – direct and spoken
Satori and graduated path



Popularized by Bodhidharma, Zazen is the Zen Buddhism style of meditation. The formal term is 瞑想 (meisō). 5 styles of Zazen: 5 Methods of Zazen Zazen Type (Japanese Characters) Description 本普 (Hompu) Attaining skill in meditation for everyday life 外道 (Gedō) Incorporating other schools of meditation 小乗 (Shōjō) Hinayana style for self-liberation 大乗 (Daijō) Meditation to […]


Shikantaza 只管打坐

Shikatanza is the Zen subset of Zazen meditation, focusing on true enlightenment. It translates to Silent Illumination, Just Sitting, or Serene Reflection. It corresponds to an objectless meditation and is the highest form of Zen meditation. Shikantaza comes from Ch’an buddhism – the source of Zen. Etymologically, it covers a very non-conceptual ground. “to reflect […]

Zen Buddhism Meditation

Zen buddhism Meditation, How and Why

Zen Buddhism Meditation has 5 different levels of practice. These increase in difficulty and decrease in complexity as the practitioner progresses. Zazen Type (Japanese Characters) Description 本普 (Hompu) Basic ability to meditate, used to make existence easier 外道 (Gedō) Joining with non-Zen methods 小乗 (Shōjō) Soso Tharpa, meditating on non-self and freedom 大乗 (Daijō) Emptiness […]

koans in Zen Buddhism

Koans in Zen

Koans (gōng’àn in Chinese) are non-logical semantic constructs (stories, statements, etc) intended to push students into the initial insight of dharma mind, then through the initial arrogance accompanying that insight. My understanding of koan in Zen Buddhism is that is meant to ‘stop’ the mental process. We focus on the koan in meditation, until at […]

do buddhists eat meat Buddhism meat

The Zen Buddhist Diet

Nourishing Mind, Body, and Spirit Zen Buddhist Diet Plan and Restrictions A typical Zen Buddhist diet plan emphasizes plant-based foods, whole grains, and seasonal vegetables. It avoids excess spices and strongly flavored foods to maintain simplicity and clarity of mind. Moreover, Zen Buddhists tend to avoid luxurious or extravagant meals. In Zen Buddhism, the path […]

Ōryōki - Zen Eating

Ōryōki 応量器 – Zen Eating

Ōryōki is a meditative style of eating in Zen Buddhism. A set of nested bowls and utensils are wrapped in a set of cloths, which are set up for service from fellow practitioners. The meal is heavily choreographed and silent. I love eating Ōryōki. I’ve done it hundreds of times. I’ve worked as server, head […]

Satori in Zen

Satori 悟り

Satori 悟り is a Japanese term for seeing the nature of reality, Kensho: seeing nature. Kensho is the first experience of Satori, which is more stable, though it falls short of full enlightenment. The term is unfortunately translated as Sudden Enlightenment. In my experience, there is no sudden enlightenment. There are major openings in terms […]


Bodhidharma, Zen Patriarch

Bodhidharma, also known as Daruma in Japan, was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century CE. He is revered as the founder of the Chan (Zen) school of Buddhism in China and is considered the first patriarch of Zen Buddhism. Here’s a brief overview of Bodhidharma’s life and significance: I always […]