Tibetan Tantric buddhism Dharma

Milarepa and Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash jpg

Milarepa traveled to Mount Kailash for a spiritual combat against an enemy of the dharma.

See Milarepa.

Milarepa and Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash, the sacred peak in the Himalayas, holds profound significance in various religious traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Bon. For Buddhists, this majestic mountain is closely associated with the legendary yogi Milarepa. His connection to Kailash not only highlights his extraordinary spiritual journey but also enriches the mountain’s spiritual aura.

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The Significance of Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash, standing at 6,638 meters (21,778 feet), is revered as the center of the universe in Tibetan Buddhism. It is considered the earthly manifestation of Mount Meru, the spiritual axis of the universe. Pilgrims believe that circumambulating Mount Kailash can cleanse them of sins and bring about spiritual merit. This arduous trek, known as the kora, is a journey of deep devotion and profound transformation.

Milarepa’s Encounter with Mount Kailash

Milarepa’s legendary connection to Mount Kailash is vividly captured in Tibetan Buddhist folklore. According to tradition, Milarepa journeyed to Mount Kailash to engage in a spiritual contest with Naro Bönchung, a practitioner of the ancient Bon religion. This contest was to determine the supremacy of their respective spiritual traditions.

The competition involved a series of miraculous feats, with the most famous being a race to the summit of Mount Kailash. Naro Bönchung rode his drum, while Milarepa, embodying the power of his intense meditation and spiritual accomplishments, rode on a sunbeam. Milarepa’s victory in this contest demonstrated the power and efficacy of his meditative practice, solidifying his place as a preeminent spiritual figure.

Symbolism of the Contest

The contest between Milarepa and Naro Bönchung is rich in symbolic meaning. It represents the triumph of Buddhism over older spiritual traditions and underscores the transformative power of sincere practice and unwavering faith. Milarepa’s victory is not just a tale of miraculous powers but a testament to the profound spiritual potential within each practitioner.

Milarepa’s Teachings at Kailash

Milarepa’s connection to Mount Kailash also includes his profound teachings and songs of realization. During his time near Kailash, Milarepa composed many dohas, spontaneous songs that conveyed deep spiritual insights. These songs, rich with wisdom and poetic beauty, continue to inspire and guide practitioners on the path to enlightenment.

One of his famous songs at Kailash includes reflections on impermanence, the nature of mind, and the importance of devotion. These teachings highlight the essence of Milarepa’s path: a deep, unwavering commitment to the Dharma and the transformative power of meditation.

Pilgrimage to Kailash Today

Today, thousands of pilgrims from around the world undertake the challenging journey to Mount Kailash, inspired by Milarepa’s legacy. The kora around Kailash is a profound spiritual practice, encompassing physical endurance, devotion, and deep reflection. For many, this pilgrimage is a transformative experience, echoing the spiritual trials and triumphs of Milarepa.

Milarepa’s Enduring Legacy

Milarepa’s connection to Mount Kailash serves as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of spiritual practice and the enduring legacy of devotion. His journey from a vengeful sorcerer to an enlightened yogi resonates deeply with pilgrims and practitioners alike, symbolizing the potential for profound inner transformation.

Inspiring Pilgrims

For modern pilgrims embarking on the arduous journey to Mount Kailash, Milarepa’s story serves as a source of inspiration and guidance. His triumph over adversity and his unwavering commitment to the path of enlightenment offer hope and encouragement to those facing their own spiritual challenges. As pilgrims circumambulate the sacred mountain, they reflect on Milarepa’s teachings, drawing strength from his example as they navigate the trials of the kora.

Preservation of Tradition

Milarepa’s legacy at Mount Kailash is also preserved through the oral tradition of storytelling and the recitation of his songs of realization. Tibetan Buddhist practitioners continue to honor Milarepa’s memory through rituals, ceremonies, and pilgrimages to Kailash. These practices ensure that his profound teachings remain alive and relevant in contemporary times, inspiring future generations of seekers on the spiritual path.

A Call to Practice

Milarepa’s connection to Mount Kailash is a call to practice—a reminder that the path to enlightenment requires dedication, perseverance, and unwavering faith. His story challenges us to confront our own inner demons, transform adversity into opportunity, and cultivate the qualities of compassion, wisdom, and equanimity.


As we reflect on Milarepa’s enduring legacy at Mount Kailash, we are reminded of the boundless potential within each of us to transcend suffering and realize our true nature. His story continues to inspire pilgrims and practitioners on the path to spiritual awakening, serving as a guiding light in the darkness of ignorance and delusion.

In the shadow of Mount Kailash, amidst the rugged terrain and swirling mists, the spirit of Milarepa lives on—a timeless reminder of the transformative power of the Dharma and the indomitable human spirit. As we journey through the trials and tribulations of life, may we draw strength from his example and strive towards the ultimate goal of enlightenment, following in the footsteps of the great yogi Milarepa.

Dedication of Merit

May all beings be happy

May all beings be peaceful

May all beings be safe

May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature

May all beings be free