Tibetan Tantric buddhism Dharma

Buddhist Scriptures

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This post contains a table of key Buddhist Scriptures and their central theme.

I just wanted a quick reference for people to check out Buddhist Scriptures.

See also: Buddhist Books and Buddhist Holy Books.

Table of Major Buddhist Scriptures

TheravadaTripitaka (Pali Canon)The earliest and most complete collection of Buddhist texts, divided into three “baskets” (pitaka).
Vinaya PitakaRules and guidelines for monastic discipline.
Sutta PitakaDiscourses and teachings attributed to the Buddha.
Abhidhamma PitakaPhilosophical and doctrinal analysis of the Buddha’s teachings.
MahayanaMahayana SutrasA vast collection of texts that form the foundation of Mahayana Buddhism.
Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita)A concise text on the nature of reality and emptiness.
Diamond SutraA key text emphasizing the practice of non-attachment and the concept of emptiness.
Lotus SutraFocuses on the idea that all beings have the potential to achieve Buddhahood.
Avatamsaka SutraDescribes the interconnectedness of all things in the cosmos.
Uttaratantra ShastraCore teaching on Tatagathagharba, Buddha Nature.
Tibetan BuddhismKangyurTranslations of the Buddha’s words, comprising sutras and tantras.
TengyurCommentaries by Indian and Tibetan scholars on the teachings found in the Kangyur.
Zen BuddhismPlatform Sutra of the Sixth PatriarchKey text of the Zen tradition, attributed to Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch.
Blue Cliff RecordA collection of Zen koans (paradoxical anecdotes or riddles) used for meditation practice.
The Gateless GateAnother essential collection of Zen koans, compiled in the 13th century.
Pure Land BuddhismAmitabha SutraDescribes the Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha and the practices for rebirth there.
Infinite Life SutraExplores the vows of Amitabha Buddha and the path to rebirth in the Pure Land.
Contemplation SutraGuides the practitioner in visualization practices for attaining rebirth in the Pure Land.

This table provides a structured overview of key Buddhist scriptures across different traditions, highlighting their significance and contributions to Buddhist practice and philosophy.

How to meditate like a yogi
and enter profound samadhi

Dedication of Merit

May all beings be happy

May all beings be peaceful

May all beings be safe

May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature

May all beings be free