
Lotus Sutra: 10 Key Themes to Inspire

Comprehensive Buddhist Sutta on Mahayana Dharma The Lotus Sutra is an extensive teaching by the Buddha. It is a core Mahayana text, incorporating numerous themes such as the inevitability of Buddhahood, essence of awakened beings, and upayas, or skillful means. Lotus Sutra Summary Entity Description Lotus Sutra (法華経 – Hokkekyo) Mahayana Buddhist sutra Religion Mahayana […]

Buddhist Sutras

Buddhist Sutras

Heart of the Dharma Buddhist Sutras are the canonical teachings of the historical Buddha and certain disciples. Summary Buddhist Sutras Entity Description Buddhist Sutras Collections of teachings attributed to the Buddha Shakyamuni Religion Theravada & Mahayana Buddhism Text Type Religious scriptures Content Discourses, parables, dialogues on Buddhist teachings and practices Schools Theravada: Pali Canon (Sutta […]

Diamond Sutra of Buddha

Diamond Sutra

The Diamond Sutra of the Buddha is a core Mahayana teaching on Wisdom. Key themes are emptiness, compassion, non-duality, non-attachment, karma, and universality of dharma. Diamond Sutra Summary Entity Description Diamond Sutra (Jīngāng Bānruò Bōluómì Duō Jīng) Mahayana Buddhist Sutra Religion Mahayana Buddhism Text Type Mahayana Sutra Core Teachings Emptiness (Shunyata), Skillful Means (upaya), Perfection […]


Sutra: What Every Meditator Should Know

Sanskrit Literary Spiritual Canon Sutras are collections of sayings and instruction in general. In Buddhism, they represent more detailed teachings of the Buddha himself. Summary Sutra Entity Description Sutra A type of religious text containing teachings attributed to a spiritual figure Religion Primarily found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism Text Type Religious scripture Content Discourses, parables, […]

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra or Prajnaparamita Sutra expresses the central Mahayana idea of shunyata, or emptiness of all existent phenomena according to the Buddha’s Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The Heart Sutra: A Deep Dive into the Essence of Buddhism The Heart Sutra, also known as the Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra, is one of the […]