8-Fold path of Buddhism

Noble 8-fold path of Buddha

the definitive Explanation of the 8-Fold Path The 8-fold path of Buddhism refers to the Buddha’s teachings on proper conduct for life. Noble Eightfold path Table: Little known fact: 8-fold path The 8-fold path isn’t necessarily meant to be followed in a strict linear order (1, 2, 3, etc.). It’s more like an interconnected web […]

Right View, 8-fold path of Buddha

Right View (Correct Understanding), 8-fold Path

Right view, 1st step on Buddha’s 8-fold path, means a valid and meaningful way of seeing reality. In Hinayana: not-self. Mahayana: emptiness of all phenomena. Vajrayana: Buddha fields, all-pervasive purity and equality. Introduction to Right View: The Cornerstone of Buddhist Practice Right Understanding or View is the first ‘fold’ of the 8-fold path of Buddha. […]

Right Thought, Right Intention, Right Motivation, Right Inspiration, 8-fold path of Buddhism

Right Thought, Right Motivation: 8-fold Path

Right Intention and Right Aspiration on the Noble eightfold path of Buddha Right Thought means the Right motivation, aspiration or intention for practicing Buddhism. The 2nd Pillar of the 8-fold path, it means having the purest and highest goals for one’s meditation: liberation from suffering of all beings, seeing genuine reality, and bringing forth purity […]

Right Speech, 8-fold path of Buddha

Right Speech: Noble 8-fold Path of Buddhism

Right speech in the 8-fold path of Hinayana means not lying, gossiping, divisiveness or speaking harshly. In the Mahayana, it means speaking compassionately with intent to guide others to liberation. In the Vajrayana, it means all sound is the mantra of the Buddhas. Right Speech: A Guiding Beacon on the Noble Eightfold Path In the […]

Right Conduct, Right Action, 8-fold path of Buddha

Right Conduct, right Action: Noble 8-fold Path

Right Conduct in the Noble 8-fold Path of Buddha means, in Hinayana: no killing, stealing, or sexual misconduct. In Mahayana, it means not forgoing help for suffering beings and engaging in the 6 paramitas. In Vajrayana, it means the yogic discipline of non-action, the 4 karmas and clear light. Right Conduct in the Eightfold Path: […]

Right Livelihood in the 8-fold path of Buddhism

Right Livelihood in the 8-fold Path

Right Livelihood, or samyag-ājīva, in the 8-fold path means not causing harm through work: not selling weapons, drugs or slaves, for example. In the higher form, it means working actively to benefit beings – charitable work, medical work, and especially promoting dharma. Right Livelihood Buddhism Samyag-ājīva, a crucial aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path, holds […]

Right Effort Noble 8-fold path of dharma

Right Effort on the 8-Fold Path of Buddha

Right Effort on the 8-fold path of dharma means overcoming the negative qualities (greed, hatred, sloth) and generating the positive qualities (love, compassion, wisdom). Right Effort in Buddhism Right Effort, or samyag-vyāyāma, a pivotal component of the Noble Eightfold Path, occupies a central place in Buddhist teachings, emphasizing the diligent cultivation of positive qualities and […]

Right Mindfulness 8-fold Path of dharma

Right Mindfulness: 8-fold Path of Dharma

Right Mindfulness on the 8-fold path of dharma means either developing a peaceful, focused state of mind or recalling the Dharma (truth) of the Buddha continuously. Right Mindfulness in Buddhism Right Mindfulness, or satipatthana a pivotal element of the Noble Eightfold Path, holds a central place in Buddhist teachings as a transformative practice that cultivates […]

Right Concentration - 8-fold path of dharma

Right Concentration, Meditation, samadhi

8-fold path of Buddha Right Concentration, Right Meditation, or samadhi means attaining a one-pointed focus and applying it to objects of wisdom, such as selflessness, emptiness, or tatagathagharba. Right Concentration Buddhism Right Concentration, an integral component of the Noble Eightfold Path, holds a central place in Buddhist teachings as a transformative practice leading to meditative […]