Tibetan Tantric buddhism Dharma

Right Speech: Noble 8-fold Path of Buddhism

Right speech in the 8-fold path of Hinayana means not lying, gossiping, divisiveness or speaking harshly. In the Mahayana, it means speaking compassionately with intent to guide others to liberation. In the Vajrayana, it means all sound is the mantra of the Buddhas.


8-fold Path of Buddha

Noble Eightfold Pathariya aṭṭhaṅgika magga
Right View samyak-saṃkalpaStance of not-self, karmic cause and effect
Right Motivation, Resolve, Aspirationsamyak-saṃkalpaDesire to liberate oneself from suffering, not engage in the kleshas
Right Speechsamyag-vācNo lying, gossiping, slander, or harsh words
Right Conductsamyak-karmāntaNot killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, or avarice
Right Livelihoodsamyag-ājīvaNot selling arms, intoxicants, people, or sexual acts
Right Effortsamyag-vyāyāmaLimiting desires for pleasure. Simplicity of life, maintaining wholesome outlook of mind.
Right MindfulnessSatipatthanaUnflagging focus on cutting karmic actions and seeing not-self
Right Meditationsamyak-samādhiShamatha, or stable concentration leading to vipassana, insight into not-self
Right Viewsamyak-saṃkalpaView of emptiness
Right Motivationsamyak-saṃkalpaLiberation of all beings from suffering, compassion
Right Speechsamyag-vācHelpful speech, guiding beings to the dharma
Right Conductsamyak-karmāntaExchanging oneself for others
Right Livelihoodsamyag-ājīvaActively helping, never harming. Seeing the illusory nature of life.
Right Effortsamyag-vyāyāmaUnceasing effort for the benefit of beings
Right MindfulnessSatipatthanaBare attention on emptiness
Right Meditationsamyak-samādhiEquipoise seeing emptiness directly
Right Viewsamyak-saṃkalpaAll beings are enlightened, Buddha fields are all-pervasive
Right Motivationsamyak-saṃkalpaSeeing all beings as Buddha
Right Speechsamyag-vācAll sound is mantra
Right Conductsamyak-karmāntaLuminous light emanating and gathering
Right Livelihoodsamyag-ājīva4 karmas of Buddha activity
Right Effortsamyag-vyāyāmaMaintaining samaya, non-effort
Right MindfulnessSatipatthanaAll phenomena are pure by nature
Right Meditationsamyak-samādhiDeity, sugatagharba, mahamudra, trekcho, thogal

Right Speech: A Guiding Beacon on the Noble Eightfold Path

Right Speech, 8-fold path of Buddha

In the profound teachings of the Buddha, Right Speech stands as a luminous pillar on the Noble Eightfold Path, delineating the ethical dimensions of communication.

Through a nuanced exploration of Wise Speech, Virtuous Speech, and various aspects of abstaining from harmful speech, Right Speech serves as a transformative practice that transcends mere verbal conduct. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of Right Speech, shedding light on the principles and practices that guide individuals towards wholesome communication.

Wise Speech: Nurturing Clarity and Truth

Wise Speech, or Samma Vaca in Pali, encapsulates the foundation of Right Speech. It involves the cultivation of speech that is characterized by clarity, truthfulness, and mindfulness. Wise Speech encourages individuals to express themselves with sincerity and to choose words that reflect a deep understanding of the consequences of their communication.

The practice of Wise Speech extends beyond the mere avoidance of falsehood; it entails a commitment to truthful and meaningful expression. It involves the alignment of one’s words with the principles of wisdom and compassion, fostering an environment conducive to understanding and harmony. Wise Speech is rooted in the awareness of the impact words can have on individuals and the larger community, recognizing the potential to either uplift or cause suffering.

Virtuous Speech: Hinayana Right Speech

Virtuous Speech, an integral aspect of Right Speech, emphasizes the ethical dimension of communication. This involves adhering to principles of non-harm, empathy, and compassion in verbal interactions. Virtuous Speech encourages individuals to use words that contribute to the welfare of others, fostering a sense of unity and mutual understanding.

Not Lying: Upholding the Pillar of Truth

One of the key tenets of Virtuous Speech is the commitment to not lying. The Buddha emphasized the importance of truthfulness, recognizing the profound impact that deception can have on individuals and the fabric of society. By refraining from falsehood, individuals uphold the pillar of truth, fostering trust and authenticity in their relationships.

Not Gossiping: Nurturing Positive Connections

Gossiping, often fueled by idle curiosity or a desire for sensationalism, can lead to the spread of misinformation and discord. Virtuous Speech discourages the habit of gossiping and encourages individuals to engage in conversations that are uplifting, constructive, and conducive to positive connections. By avoiding gossip, individuals contribute to a culture of trust and mutual respect.

No Divisive Speech: Fostering Unity and Harmony

Divisive speech, aimed at sowing discord and creating divisions among people, is antithetical to the principles of Virtuous Speech. The Buddha cautioned against the use of speech that promotes animosity and conflict. Virtuous Speech encourages individuals to foster unity and harmony by refraining from divisive language and instead cultivating words that promote understanding and cooperation.

No Harsh Speech: The Gentle Power of Words

Harsh speech, characterized by verbal aggression, insults, or offensive language, can inflict deep wounds on others. Virtuous Speech advocates for the abandonment of harsh speech and the cultivation of words that are gentle, respectful, and considerate. By choosing words that are imbued with kindness, individuals contribute to a culture of compassion and emotional well-being.

Idle Chatter: Mindful Communication in Daily Life

Idle chatter refers to speech that lacks purpose or meaningful content. Virtuous Speech encourages individuals to be mindful of their words, avoiding unnecessary and frivolous conversations that can lead to misunderstanding or contribute to a distracted mind. By practicing mindfulness in communication, individuals contribute to a culture of intentionality and presence in their interactions.

Not Causing Doubt in the Dharma: Upholding the Teachings

Right Speech extends beyond interpersonal communication to encompass the way individuals speak about the Dharma—the teachings of the Buddha. Virtuous Speech encourages practitioners to avoid causing doubt in the minds of others regarding the efficacy and validity of the teachings. This involves speaking about the Dharma with clarity, humility, and a genuine commitment to understanding and practicing its principles.

Mahayana Right Speech: Only the Dharma

To uphold Virtuous Speech, individuals are encouraged to direct their speech towards topics that contribute to spiritual growth and understanding. This involves engaging in conversations that revolve around the Dharma, mindfulness, meditation, and the path to liberation. By focusing speech on the Dharma, individuals create an environment that supports and nurtures the spiritual aspirations of themselves and others.

Right speech in Vajrayana: Mantric Speech

Mantric Speech means that all sounds appear as mantra and all speech is proclaimed as mantra. All sound is sacred, pure and without the taints of samsara. Mantric speech occurs when the yogi has done enough mantra with right view and right concentration. At that point, the yogi has realization such that all speech can only benefit beings by expressing the Purity and Equality of Vajrayana view.


Right Speech, encompassing Wise Speech, Virtuous Speech, and the various facets of abstaining from harmful speech, stands as a beacon of ethical conduct on the Noble Eightfold Path. The Buddha’s teachings on Right Speech provide a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to align their verbal expressions with the principles of wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness.

By practicing Wise Speech and cultivating Virtuous Speech, individuals contribute to a culture of authenticity, empathy, and positive connections. The principles of avoiding lying, gossiping, divisive speech, harsh speech, and idle chatter guide individuals towards mindful communication in their daily lives. Upholding the teachings of the Dharma and focusing speech on spiritual growth contribute to the collective journey towards enlightenment.

In the transformative journey of Right Speech, individuals harness the power of words not only as a means of communication but as a tool for creating a harmonious and compassionate world. The practice of Mantric Speech, with its emphasis on positive affirmations, further amplifies the transformative potential of words, fostering an environment where speech becomes a vehicle for inspiration, healing, and the realization of the highest human potential.

Dedication of Merit

May all beings be happy

May all beings be peaceful

May all beings be safe

May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature

May all beings be free

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