Buddha did not believe in a creator God. He referenced the Hindu gods, however, he indicated that they were simply long-lived beings, with some wisdom, falsely seen as creators.
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What did Buddha say about God?
Did Buddha believe in God at all? Buddhism is considered a non-theistic religion. God would not be the focus of it, and there is no creator god in Buddhism, no creator of the universe. Buddha did not answer the question, “Where did the universe come from?”
Buddha’s statements or ideas about Gods suggest a belief in various Hindu gods around at the time. However, that belief was quite different than the normal Hindus. These gods were seen as advanced mindstreams, but still in the samsaric net. In other words, Vishnu, Shiva and so forth are not liberated from suffering. Their concept as gods is merely beings who live an extremely long time in a realm without degraded emotionality.
There is some provisional reference to the Hindu gods, but they seem to be demoted in Buddhist theology or philosophy to higher beings who have attained a very exalted state of existence, but not to primordial forces of the universe, or to creator gods who create and destroy. They do seem to have a great deal of wisdom, insight, and power. In fact, it was Brahma who supplicated Buddha to teach beings after his enlightenment.
Buddha never mentioned Jesus, but he could not have believed in Jesus because Jesus was not born at the time of Buddha’s teaching. The Buddhist conception of God is an external association with deities, which are manifestations of mind and the ultimate enlightened expanse.
Buddhism – God Name
Buddhism has no special name for any God, but accepts the general names of various religions, such as Vishnu, Yahwee, Allah and so forth.
Do Buddhists Believe in Jesus?
Buddhists believe in Jesus, insofar as Jesus existed. Although each Buddhist makes his own mind on that issue, most certainly acknowledge that a man named Jesus walked the Earth and taught his disciples around Galilee.
However, since Buddhists do not believe in the All-powerful, creator of the universe Christian god, it would be nonsensical to believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
What did Buddha say about Jesus?
Buddha said nothing about Jesus because he never heard of him. Jesus was born 5 centuries after Buddha taught.
Buddhists don’t believe in Heaven
The reason Buddhists reject Heaven is multi-fold. First, heaven is permanent, and all phenomena are impermanent. However, Buddhist theory does teach about the God Realms. These gods have extremely long life spans, with different characteristics. In the Desire realm gods, they have vast resources and immense pleasure and bliss in their lives. The form realm gods have much longer lives and bodies of light. They experience tremendous clarity. The formless gods have no forms at all. They are only mind. They experience various realms of non-thought.
What Buddhists believe happens after death
Buddhist believe that after death, the beings mindstream has a moment of complete openness (that is so foreign that everyone simply misses it), followed by awakening in the state between births. This is called the bardo. It consists of overwhelming visions and sounds that distress unenlightened entities. However, if the being is trained and ready, these visions are seen as aspects of the mind and used to liberate themselves.
Do Buddhists Believe in an Afterlife?
Buddhists do not believe in an afterlife in the Western manner. However, Buddhist doctrine specifically discusses karma and the 12 Nidanas. This theory is built around the endless rebirth of the being’s mindstream.
Did Buddha believe in Rebirth?
Buddha believed in rebirth. In fact, that is the essence of the 6 realms teaching, where all beings wander endlessly, suffering for no reason.
Do Buddhists Worship Buddha as a God?
Buddhists do not Worship Buddha as god. They believe that Buddha was a man who attained enlightenment, then taught others how to do the same.
What did Buddha say about god?
Nothing. He refused to answer the question, but this implies non-thesim. If God is not important, he probably isn’t real.
Does a Buddhist believe in god?
Generally, no. There is no specific provision for God in Buddhism. It is not specifically excluded, however.
What does Buddhism say about Jesus?
Well, Jesus came after Buddha, so the core teachings don’t mention him. Later teachers have implied he was a great bodhisattva, but no definitive answer exists for this interesting debate.
What god do the Buddhist worship?
None. Buddhism is entirely focused on humanity and its potential to attain enlightenment. Other realms of beings are mentioned, but not a central focus.
Does Buddha acknowledge god?
He never did. He remained silent on the question.
Why don’t Buddhists believe in a god?
Lack of direct evidence. Buddhism is based on clearly seeing what is and God cannot be clearly established.
what is the Buddhist god called?
There is no Buddhist God. Siddhartha attained enlightenment as a man and proclaimed that all people can do so.
Do Buddhists believe in heaven?
Not in the Christian sense. There are exalted realms without suffering, but these are transitory.
Do Buddhists believe in afterlife?
No, they believe in rebirth again and again. It’s another life, not afterlife?
May all beings be happy
May all beings be peaceful
May all beings be safe
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature
May all beings be free